Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Generating RSA SecurID Software Token for iPhone Devices/Windows Mobile/Android

So if your company decided to discontinue the RSA Hardtoken and moved on with SoftTokens; that requires installation and configuration of the softtoken on a PC. Although it's a onetime configuration, the issue occurs if you are outside at a friends/relatives place where in you had a need to login remotely, same installation+configuration will need to be done at your guest PC before you can generate a soft token and login! 

But if you have an iPhone/Android or Windows Mobile, you can install the RSA app and with just few steps you can generate token code off your phone.

Here are the steps in nutshell, you can find detailed steps from RSA website.

1. Search and install the "RSA" app in your phone.
2. Click here to download the TokenConverter from RSA website. 
3. Extract the contents to a directory. 
4. Copy the .sdtid file that you recieved from your RSA support/company to this directory. Along with the 
   .sdtid file the directory will contain a sdti2tsf.dll and TokenConverter.exe 
5. Open up a cmd (command shell), cd to this directory and run the below command. 
TokenConverter user2-passwordtoken_file.sdtid -p password_for_the_token -mobile -o token.txt
6. Copy the contents from the token.txt file and copy to your gmail/yahoo/hotmail account(configured on your phone).
   The CTF string would like something like below
   After pasting it to the browser, select the string and click on hyper link and send yourself an e-mail
7. Login to your e-mail from your phone, click on this hyper link and it will prompt of the same password for token.

And you are good to go.

Hope this helps. Raj


  1. Very helpful! Thanks!

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